Code of Ethics
We are a small but diverse congregation where all are welcome. We provide a comfortable place of
worship for all branches of Judaism, and count several interfaith families among our membership. The
Rabbi, Board of Trustees and membership treat all with respect as valued members of our
Members as well as guests are encouraged to participate in services, onegs, potlucks, picnics and our
Annual Meeting. They also have the opportunity to help with yearly planning of congregation
Paid positions within Etz Chaim include the Rabbi, Cantorial Soloist, Administrator, and Religious
School instructor. There are eleven Board positions; all are voluntary. Representing our synagogue, a
member of the Board of Trustees carries great responsibility. As such we will conduct ourselves:
- Honestly and openly with sensitivity to other board members, our membership and the community.
− Financial matters will be handled with the utmost integrity with full visibility to the entire
Board and members as pertinent.
− Our monthly meetings will be documented and shared among the Board members while
pertinent information will be shared with the membership in the execution of our duties.
− All assets will be properly housed and cared for including insurance.
− The Board shall maintain a current knowledge of business practices, policies, and governance.
− Any unethical or illegal conduct will be assessed and dealt with internally or externally as
Life Balance and Personal Care
As Board members, we will support one another in all synagogue related activities, lending a helping
hand across all offices when needed. No one Board member should be overburdened. Support activities
will be rotated to ensure individual contributions of time and effort are balanced.
Personal Boundaries and Harassment
Personal boundaries will be respected at all times. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Any
situation that appears to have crossed this line, will be researched and addressed by the Board.
Social and Public Persona
We will represent our synagogue in a professional manner in all public appearances and
communications. Wherein discussion is required before issuing communications of public appearances,
the Board shall review the nature and content of said activity to ensure honesty and positivity.
Congregation Communications
Multiple channels of communication will be utilized to sustain our synagogue’s presence in the
community, spreading our mission and encouraging membership. These include but are not limited to
services, sermons, gatherings, publications, email, USPS mail, our internet website and Facebook. All
due professionalism as previously noted will be applied to all such communication.
Code of Ethics Review and Revision
Our Code of Ethics will be addressed annually, or at any time circumstances warrant